Call: Participation in Digital Society
SIDN Fund is inviting proposals for the upscaling of projects with proven potential in the field of digital inclusion. Upscaling grants of up to €75,000 are available.
This call is closed.
Rapid digitisation in Dutch society
Dutch society is rapidly going digital. We use smartphone apps to manage our bank accounts, we submit our tax returns online, we have video consultations with our family doctors, and we use messaging services to track the status of our internet shopping.
Sadly, however, some members of our society are in danger of getting left behind by digitisation. Research by Statistics Netherlands has found that nearly 20 per cent of Dutch people aged 16 to 75 lack the digital skills needed to participate in modern society. The elderly, people with little education or a low level of literacy, and those on low incomes are particularly vulnerable to exclusion.
Boosting the impact of digital inclusion projects
Studies by the University of Twente have also shown that digitisation can aggravate social inequality. People on low incomes and those with less education benefit less from the world going digital, and may even find their disadvantages increasing.
In recent years, numerous initiatives have fortunately been taken to promote the inclusion of people who want to boost their online skills. Various organisations, projects and tools have been developed to broaden participation in our digital society. Now SIDN Fund is seeking to boost the impact of those initiatives.
With our themed call 'Participation in Digital Society', we are inviting proposals for projects aimed at building up the skills of people who find it hard to participate in digital society. We're looking explicitly for projects with proven potential, whose impact could be increased by scaling up.
Call summary
Proposals invited for projects linked to the theme of digital inclusion
Emphasis on the upscaling of projects with proven potential
Grants of up to €75,000 available
Involvement of strong collaborators and upscaling partners required
Deadline: 9 September 2024, 13:00 (CEST)

What we're looking for
We're looking for projects such as awareness and/or educational programmes in the field of digital inclusion, whose effectiveness has already been demonstrated. Proposals relating specifically to people with disabilities and/or hard-to-reach groups are particularly welcome.
Examples of projects that meet our criteria
Cybersoek: an Amsterdam-based platform that promotes digital self-sufficiency through support and education.
Digisterker: Do your digital thing! Young people and online public services is an initiative that explores various themes to make secondary and college students aware of digital public services.
Steffie: an avatar assistant that makes accessible election information available to vulnerable groups, including the elderly, people with poor literacy skills and those with mild mental disabilities.
SIDN Fund wishes to press ahead with initiatives that have been shown to work. Our aim is to reinforce and expand effective projects, so that more people can participate in digital society.
Valerie Frissen - CEO of SIDN fund

How to apply
Do you want to submit a proposal? Below we have listed the steps for you, from application to assessment by our experts and possible support. We look forward to your proposal!
Follow these steps
Stap 1
Check that your project is eligible.
Read the criteria for this call.
Stap 2
Not sure about something? Got a question?
Fill in our web form (in Dutch). You can send your questions until September 2nd, 2024.
Stap 3
All lights on green? Submit your application!
Proposals can be submitted using the FundPro application system until 13:00 (CEST) on 9 September 2024. A proposal must consist of a completed questionnaire, a budget, a short video pitch, an extract from the Chamber of Commerce Trade Register and your latest annual accounts. Where appropriate, statements of intent about the partnerships you expect to form can also be provided.
Stap 4
After the closing date, a number of projects will be selected, and their proposers invited to pitch their ideas.
Pitches will take place in person to representatives of our Advisory Panel in early October.
Stap 5
The proposer will be informed within 3 months of the closing date for proposals whether a grant will be awarded.
Conditions and criteria
About your idea/project:
It has societal value in the form of general social significance and impact, and it's not intended to serve the interests of a particular person or a particular commercial or political organisation.
It's aimed at a hard-to-reach group (a group that can't usually be communicated with through schools, libraries, etc). It therefore depends on collaboration with other actors, such as charities and community groups.
It focuses on a Dutch context, but also has potential added value at the European level.
It has proven potential, as demonstrated by quantitative indicators, such as number of users, number of sites using the method or number of visitors, possibly supported by qualitative evidence such as user testimonials and efficacy assessments.
It has co-funding: the selection procedure will attach greater importance to the availability of co-funding than in previous calls.
It's scalable, as evidenced by details of the parties willing to assist upscaling (based on a model statement of intent provided by SIDN Fund). In this context, 'upscaling' includes, for example, adaptation of existing teaching resources for a new target group.
It preferably uses a multidisciplinary approach (e.g. involving collaboration between technical personnel and psychologists, or between academics and journalists).
It preferably has a communication vision and an impact realisation vision.
It's high quality. We'll assess the quality by looking at the problem outline and the rationale given for the proposed solution.
It's innovative. You can convincingly show that it involves a new idea, an existing idea applied in a new context, the broadening of access to an existing, promising tool, or a new application of digital technology.
It's potentially capable of achieving long-term impact in relation to the objectives of the call. You can show how continuity will be assured beyond the project period.
It meets a real need and is therefore result-oriented. The need addressed by your project must be clearly defined and evidenced. You'll need to show how you identified the need within the target group, who the target group is, and how you can reach them.
It'll be completed within 2 years of the start date.
About you, the applicant:
You are a legal entity (or a legal entity currently in formation, which will be in existence by the time of the grant award, if made). A legal entity is, for example, a foundation, an association, a cooperative, a mutual guarantee company, a public limited company, or a private limited company. A pioneering project forms an exception in that regard. Pioneering project proposals may be submitted by individual persons.
You demonstrably possess the capacity and expertise to successfully undertake the project. Wherever possible, the team itself should possess the required expertise, and not be reliant upon third-party providers. Diversity within the team is desirable.
You've got a strong contact network.
You won't qualify for funding if your project:
You want to develop new teaching materials. With this call, our aim is to support interventions and methods that have already been shown to work and are ready for upscaling.
Your initiative is all about distributing hardware. Hardware distribution is acceptable as a feature of your project, e.g. if paid for by a co-funding organisation, but not as the primary outcome.
You're developing or refining a website or app, without any substantive innovation of services, functions or processes that support the mission of SIDN Fund.
You're looking for event sponsorship.
What you're planning is a standalone media production, e.g. a podcast or video that isn't part of a larger project and/or for which there are no definite distribution and consumption plans.
Your initiative has a religious or party-political objective.
Your application relates to structural organisational expenditure, operating costs or personnel costs that aren't directly attributable to a qualifying project.
The initiative will exclusively benefit one person or business, is a purely B2B initiative, or involves product development for the benefit of a single business.
The initiative involves the use of innovative technology but does not address a clear societal problem or meet a demonstrable need within a defined target group ('technology looking for a problem').
You have no clear plans to actively and proactively share results and knowledge.
Learning from one another
SIDN Fund supports multiple projects linked to each funding theme, so that the project organisers can benefit from one another's expertise. Extra (live) meetings are organised to facilitate knowledge exchange between the projects supported in each themed cycle. If your project is awarded a grant, you will be expected to attend the meetings and knowledge sessions that we organise.
More information
Got a question about the call or about our procedures that isn't answered above? Check out our FAQs or get in touch!